June 28, 2024
Sambhota Tibetan School Mussoorie Photo: Sambhota.org

Updated on 15th May 2024 | 2:50 PM

Summary: The Central Tibetan Schools Association (CTSA) has excelled in the 2024 CBSE Class 12 examinations with a remarkable 99.69% pass rate, surpassing both Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) and Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs). This achievement highlights CTSA’s commitment to academic excellence and the effective preservation of Tibetan culture through education.

Exceptional Academic Achievements by CTSA

According to Republic News, the 2024 CBSE Class 12 results have unveiled exceptional performances across various educational boards, with the Central Tibetan Schools Association (CTSA) setting the benchmark. Achieving an impressive 99.69% pass rate, CTSA schools have showcased their academic prowess and commitment to excellence, surpassing other well-regarded institutions such as Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) and Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), which recorded pass rates of 98.90% and 98.81% respectively.

Comparative Performance Across Educational Boards

While CTSA topped the charts, other educational institutions also showcased strong performances. Government-aided schools achieved a pass rate of 91.42%, and government schools followed with 88.23%. Independent schools rounded out the group with a pass rate of 87.70%. These statistics reflect a diverse educational landscape where different types of schools contribute uniquely to the fabric of national education.

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The Role and Impact of CTSA

Founded in 1961, the Central Tibetan Schools Association was established to cater to the educational needs of Tibetan children in India, preserving their unique culture and heritage. The association currently operates six senior secondary schools, including residential and day schools across various locations like Shimla, Dalhousie, and Mussoorie. These institutions implement a curriculum enriched with NCERT textbooks and supplemental Tibetan materials published by the Department of Education, Dharamshala.

A total of 962 students from 13 Tibetan Senior Secondary Schools in India appeared in the class 12 board examinations conducted from 5 February to 2 April. The results are noteworthy, with 11 schools achieving a 100% pass rate and an overall pass percentage of 99.69%. Additionally, the average pass percentage of 75.01% reflects the qualitative improvements made by the students in their academic performance (Tibet.net).

Individual Achievements

In class XII, Kalden Tsering, with 95.2%, and Rinchen Karma Tsomo, with 95%, both from Tibetan Children’s Village School, Gopalpur, are recipients of the Excellence Award from the Department of Education, CTA. They will receive a certificate of excellence and a laptop for their academic achievements during the official function of Tibetan Democracy Day on 2 September 2024 (Tibet.net).

Looking Forward

As the 2024 CBSE Class 12 results are analyzed, it’s clear that organizations like CTSA are not only achieving academic excellence but also playing a crucial role in nurturing well-rounded individuals who are well-prepared for future challenges. The success of CTSA and similar institutions underscores the importance of tailored educational approaches that respect and integrate cultural heritage with mainstream education.

Education Kalon Changra Tharlam Dolma, in her congratulatory note, extends her heartfelt congratulations to all concerned for the outstanding academic achievements in the board examinations and urges them to continue their hard work in the future (Tibet.net). The commendable academic performance in the board examinations reflects the effort put in by the students and their teachers throughout the academic year, supported by their parents and school administrations.

This remarkable achievement by the Central Tibetan Schools Association serves as an inspiration and a testament to the dedication and hard work of the entire Tibetan community in India.

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