June 23, 2024
Photo: ANI news

Summary: At the 2024 Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, activists from Uyghur, Tibetan, and Chinese communities called for urgent global action against China’s oppressive policies. Highlighted by ANI news, they presented severe human rights violations, including genocide claims, forced sterilizations, and systemic repression in Xinjiang and Tibet.

Strong Voices Against Chinese Policies

During the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, voices from oppressed communities rang clear as they condemned Beijing’s severe policies. Abduweli Ayup, a Uyghur linguist and poet, labelled the situation in Xinjiang as genocide, citing the forced transfer of Uyghurs and the systematic sterilization of women. He detailed how nearly 900,000 Uyghur children are removed from their cultural roots through mandatory enrollment in boarding schools, as reported by ANI news.

Economic Measures and Global Responsibility

Ayup urged the international community to take concrete actions, such as boycotting products linked to Uyghur forced labor and halting economic engagements that benefit Chinese firms complicit in these atrocities. “We must cease accepting Chinese funding and selling infrastructure to Chinese firms,” Ayup stated, emphasizing the moral implications of doing business with entities that support or enact genocide.

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Tibetan Activists Speak Out

Chemi Lhamo, a Tibetan-Canadian human rights activist, criticized the validity of Chinese official documents on Tibet, labeling them as vehicles of lies designed to justify Beijing’s control. Lhamo also expressed her gratitude towards India for providing refuge to Tibetans, including the Dalai Lama, urging for continued support to ensure the safety of Tibet and neighboring regions.

Personal Testimonies of Repression

Rei Xia, a young Chinese dissident, shared her personal experiences with the Chinese state’s repressive tactics, including periods of solitary confinement for advocating basic human rights. She described the dire conditions faced by Uyghurs and Tibetans, calling Xinjiang “the world’s largest open prison,” according to ANI news.

A Call for International Action

The activists collectively demanded more robust international efforts to address and halt the human rights violations in China. They highlighted the need for global intervention to protect the rights and freedoms of Uyghur and Tibetan communities, advocating for a united front to challenge Beijing’s repressive measures.


The 2024 Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy became a platform for exposing and challenging the grave human rights situations in Xinjiang and Tibet. With firsthand accounts and strong calls for action, the activists sought to catalyze a global response against China’s violations, hoping to inspire change and secure justice for the oppressed communities.

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